Hypha is dedicated to helping individuals and organizations connect through facilitation, storytelling, and planning.

We help you engage through well-planned programs and meetings that bring people together.

We create, celebrate, and clarify stories.

We walk alongside your writing process.

If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear.
— Joanna Macy

A few examples of our work -

A group of University of Iowa researchers had a grant, “Midwest Connections: Linking Narrative-based Research to Understand the Changing Heartland,” and needed assistance in developing a methodology that would assist their interdisciplinary teams in collaboration. I led four sessions to help them discern overlapping interests, audiences, and frameworks for their research projects.

A teacher at Preucil Preschool wanted her young students to know the value of their life stories. For half a year, I worked with students to tell “true life” stories about what they saw from the backseats of cars, lost toys, new friends, and the pleasures of rolling down hills. At each visit, I told them a story about my dogs, Obi and Lola, and together we published our stories in zines.

Local independent cinema FilmScene turned ten this year and wanted to collect and share stories of what the organization has meant to the community. I gathered stories through interviews and cards that were available to audience members, and crafted a social media campaign.